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Ambuláns tréning kamaszkor témában

Az Ambulancián gondozott klienseink családtagjai és pedagógusai számára a fenti témában tematikus konzultációs tréninget hirdetünk. Várjuk a jó értelmű, jó nyelvi képességekkel rendelkező kamaszkorú autista fiatalok érdeklődő szüleit, családtagjait, pedagógusait.

A konzultációt online formában tartjuk meg.

A konzultáció időpontja: 2024. december 13. péntek, 15.00-17.30 óra.

Helyszín: Webex felület

Jelentkezési határidő: 2024. december 12. 12.00 óra

Felhívjuk figyelmüket, hogy ezt a lehetőséget kizárólag az ambulancián gondozott családok számára tudjuk felajánlani.

A jelentkezés feltételei:


rihaan digi
rihaan digi
Feb 03

GrowthWonders is a leading PPC service provider in Noida, specializing in creating highly effective and tailored pay-per-click campaigns. With years of expertise in digital marketing, GrowthWonders ensures that every ad spend is optimized for maximum return on investment. Along with PPC management, the company excels in SEO services and digital marketing training, helping businesses improve their online presence and grow strategically. Their experienced team combines industry insights and advanced techniques to drive traffic, increase conversions, and enhance brand visibility. Trust GrowthWonders for comprehensive and results-driven digital marketing solutions in Noida.


john roxx
john roxx
Feb 03

MakeAssignmentHelp is a leading academic assistance provider, offering expert help in research, thesis writing, and assignment support. Specializing in a wide range of disciplines such as engineering, machine learning, and more, we focus on delivering high-quality, tailored solutions. Our services are designed to support students at all levels, ensuring they receive top-notch academic help. Whether it's University Assignment Help or research guidance, MakeAssignmentHelp is committed to helping students achieve academic success with well-researched, original content.


Declan Miller
Declan Miller
Dec 19, 2024

Whenever i need someone to write my research paper, I always turn to StudyProfy. Their academic services are amazing! The team is incredibly reliable and always delivers high-quality, custom papers that meet all my requirements. It’s like having an expert writer right when I need them the most. Whether it's tight deadlines or complex topics, StudyProfy consistently helps me achieve my academic goals with ease. If you're a student looking for trustworthy support with your papers, I highly recommend giving StudyProfy a try!


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